Pupil Premium Expenditure
Hempsted C of E Primary School receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) or who has been entitled to FSM in the last six years. We also receive the grant for Children in Care (CiC). We also receive a smaller grant for children who have parents in the forces.
Objectives for Pupil Premium
- The Pupil Premium will be used to provide additional educational support to improve the progress and to raise the standard of achievement for these pupils.
- The funding will be used to narrow and close the gap between the achievement of these pupils and their peers.
- As far as its powers allow the school will use the additional funding to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for Pupil Premium and others.
- We will ensure that the additional funding reaches the pupils who need it most and that it makes a significant impact on their education and lives.
To read about how we spent our Pupil Premium in 2019-20 and the impact that this spending had, and how we plan to spend our Pupil Premium this academic year, please click on the link below.
The Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team will monitor this spending and report on the impact during the school year.
Pupil premium Strategy Statement 2023-24 | [pdf 306KB] |