
We visited SkillZONE, where there are 15 zones inside a life skills village. We learnt all about making safer choices in different scenarios including at home, while travelling and around a building site. It was great fun too!

This year's KNex challenge was to design and build a vehicle able to transport 3 different types of recyclable materials. It needed to be strong and sturdy, have 2 or more wheels and be capable of moving in 2 different directions. The children worked in 2-person teams, persevering when things didn't go to plan and all creating models to be proud of. Congratulations to Fraser and George, whose winning design has put them to through to the schools' final!

As part of STEM week, the children were challenged to design and build a windmill/wind turbine which could raise a house point off the ground just using wind power. They used their knowledge, design skills and imagination, combined with bucket loads of perseverance, to construct, test and tweak! Good work Year 5!

Prayer Day

What a fantastic time we have had, learning to play the ukulele with Mr. F.P.! Take a look at at our grand finale of some of the pieces which we have learnt over the last 10 weeks - including us playing AND singing 'Jingle Bells'. Thank you Mr. F.P., and well done everyone for working so hard and persevering. Merry Christmas! 

As part of our Art topic on sculpture, we used papier-mâché to create our own versions of Ancient Greek pots. Don’t they look fantastic?

We have started ukulele lessons with the wonderful Mr. F.P. and have already conquered 4 new notes! Perfect for playing Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’. Check back in a few weeks for our grand finale video – hopefully something Christmassy..!