Hempsted C. of E. Primary School Curriculum Statement

At Hempsted Church of England Primary School, the curriculum and all areas of our community life are shaped by the school’s Christian vision statement and associated values. We aspire to live our God-given potential by ‘living life to the full.’ (John 10:10) We aim to deliver a curriculum that prepares our children for the next stage of their education and adulthood. Our curriculum seeks to widen horizons, remove any barriers to ambition and create confident, tolerant, open-minded citizens. Through teaching and learning, our broad, structured and challenging curriculum reflects our Christian beliefs, so that each child can flourish: spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and academically. The design of our curriculum is driven by our children:

  • acquiring knowledge and skills
  • becoming resilient problem solvers
  • becoming effective communicators
  • becoming positive British and global citizens
  • celebrating spirituality and faith

Knowledge and Skills

  • the planned curriculum
  • development of vocabulary
  • enriching experiences

Resilient Problem Solvers

  • appropriate challenge
  • safe risk-taking environment
  • developing behaviours for learning
  • enquiry and exploration

Effective Communicators

  • exploring life’s big questions
  • listening to each other
  • articulating thoughts confidently and appropriately

Positive Citizens

  • understanding and living the British values of democracy, law, liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
  • having positive links with the local community
  • enjoying a range of trips and visitors to school


  • planning opportunities for spiritual development into the curriculum and in all areas of school life
  • providing opportunities to inspire and encourage pupils to have high aspirations, ambition and the confidence to dream big, recognising themselves as a unique child of God.

We believe that all children should have the same opportunities, regardless of their starting points. We are committed to providing a caring and enabling environment where our pupils can benefit from our creative curriculum and Christian ethos.

For further information on the National Curriculum for England, please go to:
